FOR PORTABLE BUILDINGS: The protection and longevity of your portable building is extremely important to us, and that's why all materials underneath the buildings already come pressure treated. Because of this, all buildings are required to be set on either concrete blocks, or another otherwise prepared surface, like a concrete slab or gravel pad.
Having a level concrete slab or gravel pad ready to go before delivery will not only be of great assistance to the delivery driver, but it will help add an extra layer of protection from the elements to the bottom of your building. We do not recommend pouring your own concrete piers or footings, or having someone else pour them for you. There is too much room for error. You should either go with a full slab, or let us level the building using concrete blocks.
If you decide against a prepared concrete or gravel surface, that's okay! In that case, you will be required to purchase concrete blocks and have them on-site at the time of delivery. No need to set them up because the driver will do all the work! Due to MODOT weight restrictions, we cannot provide concrete blocks. Attached is an information sheet with more specific information on the recommend concrete blocks. The block count is based on buildings being set on an already level surface, and we will almost always recommend that you purchase extra blocks in order to avoid complications with unlevel ground. Whatever is unused can always be returned for a refund.
4"x8"x16" solid cap concrete blocks are ALWAYS for ground contact. 8"x8"x16" cinderblocks are NEVER set on the ground and will ALWAYS require solid cap concrete blocks underneath them. As always, you can contact us with any questions or concerns regarding ground preparation and concrete blocks.
FOR METAL CARPORTS AND GARAGES: Your delivery surface must be level side to side within 3-4 inches before installation of your metal building. We will not level the ground for you.
All concrete slabs must be 6 inches wider and longer than your metal building, unless you purchase a flush mount concrete kit at the time of ordering. For example, a 24x30 metal building needs a slab that's AT LEAST 24'6"x30'6".